A book of prayers to the Holy Face of Jesus

"Everything Is G​race" 

St Therese of Liseux! 


​“Everything is Grace” St Therese of Liseux! 

While grace can only be given by God and by His Divine Providence,    
We can show love, mercy and forgiveness to others by being an instrument of grace!  
We may pray for grace!  
We can ask for mercy!  
We can trust!  
We can surrender!  
We can love, simply, purely, innocently!  
We are a child of God!  

Seek Grace, ask for Grace, receive Grace with the innocence of a child.  

The Little Way!  

Grace is Love!  

Receive all with love!  

Give all with Love!  

The Little Way!  

Little things done with Great Love!  

Be Instruments of God's Grace, his Love!  

Ask with Love, Receive with Love, Give With Love!  

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