A book of prayers to the Holy Face of Jesus


Prayers to the Holy Face and Other Essential Prayers of Our Time Book


Books are $2.oo each plus shipping and handling.
Please allow 1-week for delivery.

Now available in Spanish

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Spiritual Triage Book


Books are $4.50 each plus shipping and handling. Please allow 1-week for delivery.

Imagine yourself being in a state of desperation, having just been in a severe earth-shattering event that leaves you traumatized and alone. You’re not sure what hit you but, you know you need first aid, and it has to be self-administered, as there is no relief in sight. You assess your situation and your surroundings, and you realize your situation is fatal if you do not receive immediate medical attention. You take a deep breath so as not to panic, and you engage in some first-things-first self-talk. You need to “worry in the right order” in order to stay alive. ​And so it is with our souls and our salvation. It’s time to Take Stock, and Take Action. Eternity Awaits!

The Holy Face Chaplet Book


Books are 5 for $5.00 or a 20 pack for $11.00 plus shipping and handling. Please allow 1-week for delivery.
Our Lord told Sister Mary of St Peter, A Carmelite nun in the mid 1800’s through approved apparitions that the Holy Face Prayers of Reparation are as Beautiful and as Powerful as the Sun, second only to the Seven Sacraments. This Chaplet was given to Sister Mary of Saint Peter to pray through The Passion of Our Lord with particular emphasis on the wounds, torments, and sufferings to His Holy Face, through the 5 Senses of Touch, Hearing, Sight, Smell and Taste. The Chaplet meditations in this booklet are acts of reparation for the sins of humanity and unite us spiritually to Christ Crucified in his redemption, purification, and Sanctification, and to assist those who pray this Chaplet into a deeper reflection in a profound and meaningful way to the afflictions and sufferings Our Savior Endured and the Wounds to His Holy Countenance.